Sunday, November 14, 2010

First Ride...


The dream, the first ride...
your eyes assure me
I am safe with you.

Mounting, your firm muscles
taut between mine, anticipation
dissipates to exhilaration.

Slowly it begins, learning
one another, trusting you with
my life, my existence.

Faster, pounding upon the
sand, pulsing surf sprays the
the salt of the sea.

Fields yield their softness,
grass stroking our legs as we
eavesdrop on nature's symphony.

You shiver, wanting to fly...
soaring into clouds before
plunging to deepest oceans.

Night sky beckons, not letting
day take its rest. Stars illuminate
the promise never ending.

The dream, the first ride,
fantasy made real...I am left
yearning to go again.

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