Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To My Daughter On Her 13th Birthday...

Today my oldest daughter turns 13. She is so excited to become a teenager she could burst and I am really happy for her. We make a big deal out of birthdays at our home. After all, it is the one day out of the year when it is all about you and we give thanks for the day God gifted each of us to the world.

So my dear daughter, on this day I wish for you...

...to always know there is a light that shines from you that I can see; don't let anyone ever steal your light.

...to know guys are great...but only if you are happy enough with yourself to share this joy with someone else. One should never let a another be the source of one's happiness ~ a partner should be an enhancement, not a crutch.

...to understand your brother really does love you...he just has a strange way of showing it.

...to believe God has great things in store for you ~ have faith and believe in Him always.

...to realize bad things happen to good people and the world keeps going around.

...to never, never pay full retail price for anything.

...to believe I cannot be shocked. Chances are as a Mom I already know what I'm not being told and there is absolutely nothing in the world that would ever cause me to stop loving any of my children.

...to trust me that whatever happens in middle and high school is forgotten by the 20 year reunion and you will care about these people more than you ever thought possible.

...that your sister will always be your best friend.

...to realize a secret entrusted to you is the most precious thing you can hold for another; guard it well.

...to educate yourself to the amazing women who came before us and never lose confidence in yourself; it is a disservice to the trail they blazed for us.

...to always know you are one of the greatest blessings ever granted to me.

May you always embrace life's experiences and when our time is done have absolutely no regrets.

Life is wonderful, life is precious, life is a gift. And today, on your 13th birthday may you see yourself through my eyes - as a beautiful young woman who colors the world in amazing beauty.

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