Saturday, January 22, 2011

Don't Cry When They're Gone...Celebrate the Time You Have Them...

As I am sharing this with you, my nephew is sitting at my breakfast table discussing the history of music and our mutual appreciation of the same. Sadly, he is leaving to go back to school today and I do not know when I will get to see him again.

I have been very blessed by the relationships I have with my nephews, due largely to the fact I have been a part of their lives since they were born. They are like older brothers to my children and I love them dearly. Currently, one of them is in the Navy deployed to whereabouts unknown to his family, two are in college, and the other is an adventurous spirit who I would love to spend every moment of the day with.

As they have grown up our times together are fewer and far between, but extremely valuable. I remember when I was their age...I know I certainly didn't want to be hanging out with "old people." However, my nephews are great in that they text me when they can and have a wonderful way of unexpectedly showing up at my door when they are back in town.

I know people who have gone into a funk when their teens leave home to begin new life endeavors. While I miss them when they are not here, I am so happy for them and the lives they are living; they have all grown up to be amazing young men. So I choose to focus on the exciting things going on with them rather than dwell on the fact I don't get to see them as often.

As two begin a new semester, one is off somewhere on behalf of our nation, and one is pursuing enviable life experiences, I give thanks for all of them, the impact they have all made on my life, and the love we share. But for now, I shall refill our coffee cups and enjoy the last precious moments before time calls this one away. And try to remember not to cry.

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