Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Wonder Of It All, Baby...

First of all, thank you to my Boss who tolerates me singing while I work. I hope he doesn't go deaf with these inhuman sounds...

Today beautiful Upstate New York was not much so with torrential down-pouring rain through high gust winds pounding our building all day. As I have said before, I love my job, but that doesn't mean I wasn't secretly wishing for the power to go out. Alas, the power stayed on but this allowed me to stream the Beatles and Wings through my computer as I worked. Bliss...

As I worked I sang along to "What the Man Says." And this got me thinking. Stay with's gonna scare you where this mind wanders...but I was pondering on the limits of the English language. Doo doo doo, doo doo doodoo doo...

"Love is fine, for all we know...for all we know our love will grow..." This reminded me how my heart is limitless to the love it contains. Unfortunately, I am limited to the language I can use to describe it. We have only one word for love. Sometimes it is too scary a word; sometimes is just isn't enough.

Love is used to describe our feelings for our family, our homes, our friends, dark chocolate, good wine, amazing music, great shoes, magnificent fashion...unless this is maybe just me. I love many and I love much ~ it seems as if there should be more vocabulary that lets me experience this emotion on different levels. For example, while I love dark chocolate it certainly is not on the same scale as my love for my family. I believe we can love many, I know I do; my heart has a capacity to love beyond the little body it resides in. So why can't I have more words to describe it?

Anyway...this is what came to me as I sang along with my work in my very happy environment that I love. Don't you listen to what the man says? The wonder of it all, baby...

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