Monday, December 13, 2010

A Candle In The Window...

We are well into Advent with only one week left to go. I am happy to share that tonight I finished this semester and am ready to embrace the Christmas season. Let the decorating and preparation begin!

Every year the first thing I do to welcome the season is place white candles in every window. I love the way the house looks at night with the gentle light shining from our windows as I come up the street after a day away from home. I know my family is inside awaiting my arrival.

Yesterday when I was preparing for last evening's faith formation class, I came across a meditation from Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I. where he shared the power of a candle. In South Africa before the abolition of apartheid, people would light candles in their windows as a sign of hope for the injustice to one day be overcome. Sadly, this innocent expression of hope was quickly made illegal. According to Rolheiser, the children found it funny that the government was afraid of candles! We know, of course, it was not the candles they were afraid was the solidarity of hope.

As Rolheiser shares, hope is more powerful than any army. Hope is based upon a promise, and the lighting of a candle reflects the light of this promise. A powerful thought, indeed.

This year as we admire the candles in the windows of homes prepared for Christmas, may we reflect upon the hope of the Christ Child's birth as we endeavor to bring peace and love to our little corners of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Illegal candles, more powerful than guns, no wonder the children laughed.
    Enjoy this time with your family and keep a fire extinguisher handy.
    X David


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