Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Impressions and Discretions ...

Today I was in a conversation where I asked a really cool co-worker if she rides motorcycles. She looked at me incredulously and asked, "Do I look like I ride motorcycles?" I asked her, "Do I?"

She looked at me and said, " you don't. I can't see it." Well guess what, boys and girls...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How I Long To Linger...

I hope you know although I am always right to the point and I don't leisurely take the time I should it is never because I don't want to. I just long for more time.

Monday, August 29, 2011

She Came, She Saw, She Went...

Lady of Hurricane ~ Michael Cheval

This weekend Upstate New York, along with much of the Eastern Seaboard, hosted a most ungracious visitor. Hurricane Irene announced she would be arriving by Saturday evening and could be extending her stay right into Monday. And I was in no mood to entertain.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Long Goodbye...

I hate goodbyes...really I do. I hate saying goodbye to my children in the morning as we go our separate ways. I really hated saying goodbye to my brother the night before he moved away. Let's just "stoic" was not in my vocabulary that evening as I sobbed like a baby not knowing when I will see him again. But the really hard goodbye I have been struggling with for days has been to V.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Life Is What You Make It...

Ma Maison - with a soaking wet porch.

It is pouring outside. I mean, absolutely torrential-lightening-illuminating-the-sky-accompanied-by-tremendous-drum-rolls-ending-in-crashing-cymbals-thunder-as-water-races-from-the-heavens-in-non-stop-sheets pouring. Hang on a moment...I think the weather channel is on the phone offering me a job...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

You Are...

You are...

dance to my step,

sparkle to my eye,

music to my voice,

words to my song, 

a flutter to my heart,

a rainbow to my sky,

laughter to my tears,

joy to my world,

and the best part is

You are...

just being you.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

You Could Be Swinging On A Star...

Today was a day when I could not get out of my own way! I had fifty deadlines kicking the stuffing out of me, Microsoft Outlook turned against me, and my desk looked like a BOMB went off - BLAM!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Are You In Or Out...

Have you ever found yourself crashing into the same question regardless the direction you turn? Ironically, this has happened to me over the past week. What are you? What is the answer? Asked by an amazing book read devoured in 24 hours, from a conversation with a friend from high school, culminating with the homily in church this past Sunday, the same question was posed: are you in the "in" crowd or are you "out"?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Intoxication...

Darn it...I did it again. I really did not mean to disappear for days on end. I know...I could have been laying in a ditch somewhere and no one would even know because I am so ungrateful I never even told anyone where I was. But I can't help it. I am drunk on summer.