Thursday, April 7, 2011

And You're How Old?

Sometimes folks just don't have a grasp on reality. Sometimes folks who are well into adult-hood have the capability of behaving like spoiled little brats. Sometimes I am one of these folks.

This is not something I am proud of and it definitely flies in the face of everything I truly believe in. But there are times when I let others steal my joy and I become a spoiled brat ready to take them out at the knees. Just who do they think they are? Don't they see how flawed they are? Do I REALLY need to point it out to them and anyone else will listen?

This is a very negative energy that gone unchecked can become a consuming flame. At the close of day when I do an examination of conscious I am always wholeheartedly ashamed of myself and disappointed in my behavior. Why can't I stop the spoiled brat syndrome before I let it take over? What do I care if others like me or don't; take pride in their work or don't; are kind to others or aren't? Who am I to be the judge and jury? After all, letting others steal my joy says much more about me than my condemnations say about them.

Sigh...I have a few more weeks of Lent to try and figure it out. I am way too blessed to allow others the power to stress me. Until then, say a little prayer for me along with a gentle reminder how I am a grown woman...sometimes I need to remember to act like one.


  1. After your very first sentence, I was raising my hand...I was glad to see you were right there with me.
    Nobody is perfect. At least you are conscious of your behaviour and try to overcome the bratty tendencies.
    One of my favourite quotes is:
    "Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most."

  2. I've heard this called "Owning Your Power" and not giving it away to others is a good habit to get into.
    fojoy is right again as long as you're concious of this behaviour you can do something about it.
    I hope you figure it out and in the meantime I'll say a prayer for you.

  3. It has nothing to do with being bratty and everything to do with trying to live as a normal person in a crazy, abnormal world. xxBlilss

  4. I will of course pray. I have found that looking within for these anwsers will never solve this one. Even the great apostle Paul found this (to my relief) in Romans 7. We have not the power to be what we know we should be. But as he points out - God has given us the answer in Jesus Christ. It's not us trying harder but us in Christ and Christ in us. He is our only hope of ever being what we should be and Paul thanks God that we have the answer when we look up not in. Hope this thought helps your reflections. God bless, Stevie


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